Author: Gordon Govier

Last June, just before summer break, I met with groups of young African-American males during my student listening tour. I visited each of the Madison high schools in an attempt  to find the cultural and academic pulse of young black males. I needed to hear for myself how they felt about what’s being said — and thought — about them in our community. Those discussions were one part of a much larger conversation I had engaged in with several hundred local African-Americans since writing “Justified Anger” one year ago. My personal essay for the Cap Times called on Madison to…

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A group of activists and religious leaders told a standing-room only crowd at the state Capitol the goal to decrease Wisconsin’s prison population from about 22,000 to 11,000 by the end of 2015 is still achievable. WISDOM, a statewide faith-based coalition, released its blueprint to end mass incarceration in Wisconsin during a presentation on Wednesday.

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In light of the grand jury decision handed down tonight in in the wake of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, MO, I think it is of utmost importance that all Christians, but specifically white evangelicals, talk a little less and listen a little more. Or, put another way, maybe some need to spend less time insisting that African Americans shouldn’t be upset and spend more time asking why some are.

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A federal appeals court Thursday dismissed a lawsuit by a Madison-based group of atheists and agnostics that sought to end tax-free housing allowances for clergy members. The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago said the Freedom From Religion Foundation lacks legal standing to challenge the IRS rule because it has only a general grievance against the rule and has not suffered a personal injury due to it.

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