The Dwelling, a space dedicated to 24/7 prayer and a heart for Kingdom mission has opened up on Madison’s Northside. “The Dwelling is not rooted in any local church, but we are intimately connected with and members of the Body of Christ in Madison,” said Kate Boler, the lead of the core team. She said members of City Church, Damascus Road Church, Christ Church and Blackhawk Church were involved.
The Dwelling’s Vision Document, dated November 2024, states,
We feel called to establish an accessible public space set apart for all who are hungry to come meet with the Living God. A place of hospitality and refuge of God’s presence for both the Body of Christ, as well as the seeker to come encounter the transforming power of God’s love and truth. We envision and long for The Dwelling to be like an oasis in desert where springs of the Living Water can be received and overflow out of our lives into the city. It is a place we long to see spiritual awaken and formation of lives deeply established in the Word and communion with the Triune God.

The core team was encouraged by the unexpected provision of a space for The Dwelling in September, and dedicated the space on October 18. An Open House to invite in the community will be held Thursday, January 30, 6:30-8:00pm.
The team will share more of their heart and vision, orient people to the space and pray together. Though their vision is eventually for a larger space that would be open to ALL of the public, their current “seedling” space is currently accessible by signing up for hour (or more) slots and has a code to get in. The team also is hosting rhythms of prayer others can join with. More information about this can be received at the open house or by inquiring at
The Dwelling is housed in the Northside Planning Council (NPC) Office Suite – 1855 Aberg Ave., Madison. It is on the ground floor in the commercial space of “The Madisonian-Senior Apartments” 1859 Aberg Ave. Parking Available in the Job Center parking lot, just west of the Office Suite (handicap spots left (west) side of the building).
Madison residents will remember that the city had a 24/7 prayer space several decades ago. The Madison House of Prayer for all Nations was located on Eagan Road next to the Princeton Club in the early years of this century. It closed in September, 2008.
Individual churches in Madison have also created dedicated spaces for prayer, such as City Church on Buckeye Road. God is moving when people are praying.