If you are looking for a high-value, hands-on volunteer opportunity, consider helping people in need feed their families through the new St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, the busiest pantry in Dane County. Hundreds of volunteers provide more than 1,700 hours of assistance each month at this client-choice facility, serving clients from across the county. New volunteers are always needed to meet growing need.
Opened early this year, the new facility now serves about 2,000 families per month. During a shift, volunteers do hosting, stocking and reception duty. Four- and two-hour pantry shifts are available five days a week, including Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings. Scheduling is flexible, and most volunteers help out once each week.
Family, friend, church and work groups – as well as individuals – are encouraged to volunteer. During a one-hour information session to be held at the pantry, explore your opportunities for practical, meaningful service.
The session is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 15, at the pantry, 2033 Fish Hatchery Road in Madison. Please contact Volunteer Coordinator Margie Welsh at margie@svdpmadison.org or 442-7200, x443, to reserve your spot.