Star Parker’s personal experience has shaped her Christ-centered, pro-life crusade against abortion. “My aggressive lifestyle included, drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, and criminal behavior. After four abortions, it occurred to me that it just wasn’t right to kill the life inside of me,” she told the audience at the annual banquet for Care Net Pregnancy Center of Dane County.
Parker decided against the fifth abortion and gave birth to a girl some 25 years ago. Having a child with no source of income forced her to go on and off welfare for the next seven years.
Realizing that the only way out of the cycle of dependency was to get a job, she started looking. A future employer challenged her to give control of her life over to God and that was the turning point for Star Parker. She started her own business and earned a degree in Marketing and Communication.
As the founder and President of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, Parker became a Welfare Reform consultant, using her personal experience in policy discussions on how to transition America’s poor from government intrusion and dependency. She worked with the federal government as well as Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson.
Just Because it’s Legal…
Parker is passionate about the need to fight against abortion. “Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right,” she repeated over and over. Comparing today’s abortion pandemic to slavery, Parker challenged the audience to have an answer when someone says, “you were there, what did YOU DO to abolish abortion?”
God is about redeeming and restoring the lives saved through ministries like Care Net. This ministry is worthy of your money, your time, and your prayers. Care Net is a Christ centered ministry which provides free and confidential services to women and men in unplanned and crisis pregnancies in Dane County and beyond.
About 450 people attended the Care Net banquet Thursday evening at the Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison. For more information about Care Net, visit their website.