The news media are once again reporting on the Christmas wars, as the Christian faithful rally to protect holiday observances from eroding.
The Washington Post has a column by attorney David French from the Patheos Holiday Monitor, which is tracking the War on Christmas across the country. The New York Times also has a column by Ross Douthat called “A Rough Season on Believers.” Both French and Douthat are skilled writers and their columns are well worth reading. But here in Madison the Christmas War raged two decades ago and then largely ended, at least in the public schools.
Christmas Ban
I can still remember driving through an east side neighborhood to a Madison school board meeting at Elvehjem School one December night. The neighborhood was filled with the lights of the season. Arriving at the school, the only decorations apparent were snowflakes. Christmas celebrations were not allowed in Madison public schools.
The dispute dragged on as they do in Madison through the 1990 holiday season. There was a news conference and rally in conjunction with the annual Christmas program at the capitol. The school board held firm. But eventually the parents won out and the public schools holiday policy was revised; Christmas was allowed back in class. And it is still there, as far as I know.
And, as far as I know, the other public schools in the Madison area still allow a robust holiday observance. What I know for sure is that I thoroughly enjoyed the Winter Concert (the name change one small concession) at the Monona Grove High School this past Monday night.
Christmas Music
The four different choirs composed of Monona Grove High School students performed a variety of excellent music. Some were sacred, some were secular. Most of the songs were about Christmas, one was about Hanukkah. Several songs were from the well-known British composer Benjamin Britten. Several more songs were by the fairly well-known local composer Taras Nahirniak, the husband of choir director Lori Nahirniak.
And then the evening ended with the traditional singing of The Hallelujah Chorus by George Frideric Handel, with all four choirs plus choir alumni on stage. Everyone was on their feet and it was glorious.
Yes, Christmas music is one of the best parts of Christmas and well worth defending.