Prayer Movement Expanding Across U.S. Campuses
Tim Collier and Dayn Lukes serve as Campus America Co-coordinators for the state of Wisconsin. They, along with Anell Daniels, the Wisconsin Prayer Network Coordinator, are searching for catalytic young people and intercessors for each of Wisconsin’s four-year colleges and universities to coordinate a minimum of 72 hours of united prayer on their own campuses in 2010.
To learn more about this campaign, access Go to Facebook or twitter and stay current on the progress of prayer on Wisconsin campuses. This is an exciting opportunity for moms and dads, students and friends to work and pray together until He comes. Please go to and find the campus or university your sons, daughters, nieces or nephews are attending and "adopt" it. Students visiting the website will be shown opportunities to join Campus America’s mission in a number of innovative ways.
Millenial Generation Turning to Prayer
Webster defines millennium as "a period of general righteousness and happiness, esp. in the indefinite future." Join Campus America today to see prayer defining the millennium generation, even now!
The Millennial Generation, according to researchers, are those young people born between 1982 and about 2000. They are tech savvy, socially networked and generally upbeat about their futures. Ranging in age from 10-28, many of these young people are entering or are already enrolled in colleges and universities.
Some say this is the generation least likely to go to church, and if they do, probably won’t go to their parents’ church. How will such a generation be reached with the Gospel?
Prayer is the logical answer and we Baby Boomers have been praying for such a revival amongst our children and youth for years. But, it is more probable that the Millennials will be brought into a relationship with Jesus Christ by their own prayers on their own campuses.
"Five years ago, God spoke clearly to Pete Greig and David Blackwell about calling the campuses of America to pray. From that time the number of 24/7 prayer rooms on campuses in the States began to multiply (at the last count 24/7 Prayer had already impacted 20% of campuses).
The stories emerging from these prayer rooms are often extraordinary. Lives are being changed, students are encountering the presence of God, there is great creativity and people who weren’t Christians are encountering Christ in these prayer rooms, too.
“The idea of seeing these prayer rooms multiply on every campus seems thrilling and terrifying,” says Pete Greig. “Exciting because we have reason to believe it could impact the nation. Terrifying because this thing is utterly impossible unless God makes it happen.” (quoted from