Author: Gordon Govier
MADISON — “Alert parishioners may have noticed that a ‘sold’ sign has been put on the former St. Raphael School building at the corner of Henry St. and W. Washington Ave.,” Msgr. Kevin Holmes, rector of the Cathedral Parish in Madison, wrote in the June 19 parish bulletin.
Pres House, an on-campus ministry of the Presbyterian Church USA, and Phos House, an on-campus ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), will be able to continue operation of their residential facilities on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus without being assessed property taxes. This afternoon Mark Elsdon, campus co-pastor and executive director of Pres House, announced that Governor Walker will veto a provision in the state budget bill that removed the tax exemption for the two facilities.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (WKOW) — For the second year in a row, a local WKOW nominee has won national recognition in Washington, D.C. Andy and Jenny Czerkas received the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis award Tuesday night at the national Jefferson Award ceremony. The Czerkas’ founded The River Food Pantry in Madison.
The Lausanne Movement for World Evangelization has named InterVarsity’s Tom Lin as new International Deputy Director for North America. Tom serves Madison-based InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as Vice President for Missions and Director of the Urbana Student Missions Conference and will continue in that position.
Madison’s Pres House campus ministry has mounted a campaign on Facebook to have people appeal to Governor Walker to save the tax exemption for their ministry on the University of Wisconsin – Madison campus.
Those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are also days when children have an opportunity to develop their relationship with God. Between church camps, Vacation Bible School, Child Evangelism Fellowship 5-Day Clubs and other programs, kids can learn a lot about God.
The news media have been filled with stories recently about two of the top female religious leaders in the U.S. I’m speaking of course of Lady Gaga and Oprah Winfrey.
(WNS)–Some anemic academics say biblical belief has no place in the social sciences because it keeps people from open-minded analysis of data. Actually, the opposite is true. In 1995 I was one of many to visit the Kenosha County Job Center in Wisconsin. At that time Kenosha was the shiny face of state-level welfare reform: Twelve state delegations, dozens of reporters, and welfare bureaucrats from all over, including Tanzania, came and marveled. I wrote positively about the work requirements but noted a big problem: On the walls of two large training rooms were signs proclaiming, “A family doesn’t need a…
PINE BLUFF — An estimated 300 people gathered May 24, on the Feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, as Bishop Robert C. Morlino dedicated the new Miracle of Life Rosary Garden here.
During last year’s Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum, at a special viewing for the local Jewish community, two women stood confounded before the reproduction of the famed Isaiah scroll. Troubled by the translation of Isaiah 7:14 that said a messiah would be born of a “virgin,” they quickly sought out a docent. That’s just one interpretation of the Hebrew word almah, the docent, a prominent Jewish educator, told them. Many scholars, he noted, translate the word as “young woman.” Two new English revisions of the Bible – the New American Bible published by the U.S. Conference…