To judge by what has happened in Wisconsin over the past month, the transition to the new normal is not going to be easy. But change is coming like a tsunami, development consultant Jerry Twombly told a group of non-profit representatives Friday.
“Everybody on the planet knows what’s happening in Wisconsin, but what’s happening in Wisconsin is happening everywhere,” Twombly said, referring to the state budget crunch that prompted a budget fix from governor Scott Walker followed by four weeks of demonstrations at the state capitol. While union supporters rally in response to the budget bill, non-profit organizations also have reason for concern, Twombly said.
No Longer Business As Usual
“I believe there’s going to be a dramatic change,” Twombly said as he began his workshop called Funding Your Vision in the New Economy. Attendance was near 50 at the workshop, held at the Evjue Conference Room on the first floor of the new Urban League Building at 2222 South Park Street. “Life is not going to be the same for you as a non-profit or else you’re not going to survive.”
Speaking just hours after the first reports of the devastating earthquake in Japan and the tsunami that followed, Twombly described massive waves of change on the horizon. It’s not just the economic crisis, he warned. There’s also a debt crisis which may lead to tax reform that could impact non-profits, as well as a demographic crisis. “By the time you see it, it will be too late,” he said.
Working Smarter Not Harder
Twombly predicted that donors will be scrutinizing their charitable giving much more closely in the years ahead, and will be looking particularly for increased impact, or return on their investment. They’ll also be concerned about the sustainability of the organizations which they support.
Twombly stressed the importance of relationships in fund-raising, and offered additional characteristics of successful non-profits. “The demand for the charitable dollar will only increase,” he said, stressing the importance of fundraisers leading with the vision of the organization, not with the need.
Workshop Extras
In addition to the three-session workshop, Twombly spent part of the lunch break discussing a unique non-profit organization in Spokane called The Service Station. Started six years ago as a multi-purpose coffee shop that also offers event services, the service station generates $1.5 million per year and supports 20 non-profit organizations. The name comes from the words of Jesus, “he who would be great among you must become your servant.”
The day ended with a seminar for non-profits on the use of social media, presented by Andre Gagnon and Liesl Olson of The Creative Company. Gagnon and Olson urged the assembled non-profits to use social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to connect with their community.
More Online
To get more from Jerry Twombly, check out his weblog.
The Funding Your Vision in the New Economy workshop was sponsored by, along with Madison Community Foundation, Wegner LLP, CPAs and Consultants, the Creative Company, Webstix and WNWC Radio.