The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. — Proverbs 27:12
There are different kinds of fear, and fear is used in different ways by God and by the enemy.
Fear from the enemy paralyzes. Fear from God motivates.
Fear from the enemy is based on lies. Fear from God is based on truth.
Fear from the enemy pushes us into sin. Fear from God pushes us away from sin.
All my life I have heard Christians trying to explain what "the fear of the Lord" is. Some say it is "reverent awe." Others say it is "dread." Others say it is "abject terror."
I would like to suggest that what it is depends on where you are. Let me use an illustration I’ve used before. When I’m inside my brother-in-law’s semi truck going 70 mph down the highway, I’m very comfortable. But I am afraid to stand out in the road in front of it. I know that I don’t have the ability to stop 40,000 pounds of metal moving at 70 mph. I would get squashed.
So, inside the semi, I am completely at peace. Outside the semi, I have a healthy respect for it. In the path of the semi, I would be scared like crazy unless and until I got out of the way. Same fear, different location.
So the fear of the Lord must not be mistaken for a desire on God’s part to terrorize His children. Instead, it is an invitation to come inside at be at peace.
Be encouraged!
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