Several hundred attendees and late stragglers at the Madison Farmers Market heard the pleas and prayers of the Don’t Mess With Our Kids Prayer Rally at the Wisconsin state capitol, Saturday afternoon, April 13, 2004. Simultaneous rallies were taking place at state capitols across the country, as part of a nationwide campaign to help parents defend their children against pressures that are tearing apart families and society.
Jeane Wagner, local rally organizer and emcee, said, “We kicked God out of our nation. We need to bring Him back, that’s what this is about. It’s about standing up. Forgive us for our apathy.”

The rally opened and closed with worship music on the podium in front of the capitol doors, prayers were prayed by local pastors and others, communion was served, and the Star Spangled Banner was sung by 2nd District Republican Congressional candidate Charity Barry. Later, when political candidates present were asked to identify themselves, so they could be prayed for, Barry seemed to be the only one present.
Rally attendees were encouraged to get more actively involved and network with others by clicking on a prominently displayed QR code, to start small-group prayer hubs with family and friends, and turn out at the US Capitol for a million woman rally on October 12, 2024.
The most compelling part of the afternoon was the testimony of school teacher Jim Krause of Milwaukee. Informed by the principal at his Wauwautosa Middle School that a biological female who identified as male would be entering his Spanish class, and he was required to address the student using male pronouns, Krause resisted.
“I knew I could not acquiesce to this request,” he told the crowd. “[The Bible says] thou shall not bear false witness.”
Accused of violating the district’s transgender policy, Krause was given three options, including resign or be fired. He chose the third option, teaching civics to prisoners in the Milwaukee county jail for the rest of the school year. His contract was not renewed at the end of the year.
Krause is now an academic adviser for an online Christian classical school which has over 1,000 students worldwide. “I would not change a thing,” he said. “How long will we remain silent while wicked people teach lies to our children.”
He was followed by Tammy Fournier, a mom who challenged the Kettle Moraine School District in court over the gender transitioning of her daughter, and won. Fournier fought against the forceful transitioning of her daughter by school officials who didn’t seem to recognize underlying issues of depression and anxiety. “The Kettle Moraine School District is the only school district in Wisconsin that is required by law to defer to parents,” she warned. “We must push back against institutions trying to erode the family.”
A second parent speaking after Fournier added, “Transgender ideology is being taught at all levels of the school system. Our children are being brainwashed into gender confusion.”
Those who spoke and prayed were heckled throughout the two-hour rally by a small crowd of transgender activists, closely monitored by police officers and other security. Near the end, Wagner asked the crowd of several hundred to turn towards the protesters, extend their hands and pray a blessing on them from Numbers 6:24-26.
Afterwards members of the two groups mingled together for surprisingly friendly conversation and dialogue that may have built some bridges to better understanding and better relationships.
1 Comment
This blesses my heart and will encourage humans.
We must protect our children.
God is pleased.