Author: Gordon Govier
The phrase “a life-changing experience” is probably an exaggerated one. But how else can you describe the moment that Victor Kimera joined the African Children’s Choir? Before he auditioned for the choir, Kimera was a boy living in an orphanage in Uganda. After he auditioned and became a part of the choir, Kimera saw the world, from Russia to England to the United States, and had all his education paid for. Today, Kimera is a 27-year-old man who is so proud of his experience with the choir that for the last two years he has served as a chaperone for…
Just hours after the indie band School of Seven Bells finishes its show Saturday night at the Majestic Theatre, the Downtown music club will welcome people seeking a much different experience. Beginning next Sunday, Blackhawk Church, the large evangelical congregation on Madison’s Far West Side, will offer two morning worship services every week at the club.
USA (MNN) ― There are many college ministries in the United States that reach a variety of students who are searching for more. Unfortunately, it seems that there is one large segment on many campuses that goes overlooked and unreached: the Greek community.
COMMENTARY A church in Florida is poised to commemorate an act of violence committed in the name of Islam, the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, with an act of stupidity committed in the name of Christianity, the public burning of the Koran. This threatened libricide proves little more than the existence of a few attention-seeking crackpots in a continental country — the natural resource that makes cable news possible. But the Manhattan mosque controversy has exposed a broader, conservative Christian suspicion of mosques and Muslims.
What are they sorry for? Corporate fraud? The bad economy? Subway fare hikes? High tuition costs? These placard-toting do-gooders in Washington Square Park are continually asked, “What are you sorry for?” In response, passers-by are quietly handed a card that reads, “Have you ever felt pushed away or like you didn’t fit in at church? As Christians, we are sorry. That was people, not Jesus.”
A federal appeals court ruled on Wednesday against the University of Wisconsin at Madison in a case over whether the university could refuse to distribute student fees to a group of Roman Catholic students.
(RNS) A Baptist minister from Oregon who was killed in Afghanistan on August 30 is the first Army chaplain to die in combat since Vietnam, according to the Army.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–A wave of prayer for revival is beginning to sweep through evangelical Christianity in the United States, and one veteran Southern Baptist leader believes spiritual awakening is America’s only hope.
COMMENTARY Evangelicals have become significant players on the national stage, so much so that the actions and statements of their leaders ripple across the political and cultural landscape. What happens when evangelicals bring their faith convictions to bear on corporate America or the U.S. government? In particular, how does an evangelical Christian who also leads a major American institution–such as Walmart or the National Institutes of Health–invoke his or her faith when making big decisions?
A few weeks before organizing a massive rally on the Mall that had the feel of a religious revival, Glenn Beck sought the blessing of some of the country’s most prominent conservative Christian leaders. This is where God is leading me, Beck declared, according to Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, who was there, along with Focus on the Family founder James Dobson.